This is Major: A Tool For Automatic Relisting on Poshmark "From Scratch" is Here

This is Major: A Tool For Automatic Relisting on Poshmark "From Scratch" is Here

Hey familiars,

TL; DR: ClosetWitch's relisting tool will now support inclusion in “Just In” searches from buyers.

Why this matters: we might be the only automated service that’s able to do this as of right now; it means Poshmark will recognize and treat your “hard” relisted items as brand new listings.

Still with us? Great, grab a coffee, we have some useful context for you.

What’s "Hard Reset" Relisting?

Welp, we made that term up, because we’re fairly confident no other automation service, bot, extension, what-have-you is able to do this right now. It basically means creating a brand new listing that Poshmark recognizes as fresh and puts in front of users searching by "Just In" on the platform. Why is this special? Because the fastest and easiest way to relist is generally via the "Copy Listing" button, which is what most bots/automated Poshmark tools rely on to do the job for you. But it's not quite the same thing..

What’s "Copy Listing" Relisting?

Some background: again, the easiest method of relisting items in your closet currently is via the “copy listing” button. If you’ve ever used this button while relisting by hand, you’ll know it conveniently queues up a new listing with the same photos, a title with an annoying “COPY” in front of the title, but basically all the same info ready to go.

To relist your closet, ClosetWitch and just about every other form of automation clicks this button for you (and then does some zhooshing, like removing “COPY” from your title and deleting the old listing once the new one is safely up). This is all well and good—you have a shiny new listing, your pricing history is reset, and you can start fresh with new likers.

There’s just one problem: Poshmark knows this isn’t really a new listing, and they won’t show it to buyers who are specifically searching for new listings (via the Just In stream).

Why Don't Items Relisting via the "Copy Listing" Button Show Up in "Just In"?


Well, it’s not a fault of our tool or anyone else’s, and in fact, things did use to work this way. Poshmark purposefully changed this about two years ago, but helpfully (lol) didn’t tell anybody. Power users figured it out through experience and put them on blast via this spicy Reddit thread.

So if you’ve been dutifully listing your whole closet by hand every few weeks thinking your items will get fresh views, well, #thanksPoshmark.

(I was definitely doing this before we made our tool so I’m… displeased!).

Why Don’t Bots/Automation Tool Create New Listings When Relisting?


Well… because "hard" relisting is hard, lol (sorry). But truly: it’s tricky to create a new listing from complete scratch without scrambling things: photos need to be in the right order, fields need to be filled out—it’s a lot of different types of information to download, upload, fill in, and get right. ClosetWitch thought we were doing a great job while prototyping this and then realized brand names weren't carrying over to the new listings. Just a small, teeny tiny issue 🙃 But thankfully one we've resolved!

So When/How Do I Get Real Relisting?

If you're a current ProLite user, imminently. The extension should have updated automatically in your browser. Please reach out to [email protected] if you're not seeing the new relisting feature.

Looking to join the coven? It's a great time to do so! We'll probably make "hard reset" relisting a Pro feature eventually (that subscription level is coming soon!). But since we NEVER want to take away features from our beloved early users, and anyone with a ProLite account now will eventually have access to all pro features as they're developed. It's our thank you to our OG witches, warlocks, and familiars for taking a chance on us and giving us endlessly helpful feedback.

To start using the extension, download in the Chrome Store: you'll be able to share your closet immediately without taking further steps.

To join ProLite, step 2 is signing up for an account here:

And then going back to your account and logging in with that email address and password you created the account with. And then you're up and running!


How Do I Relist So That My Items Show Up As "Just In" Using ClosetWitch?

When you’re in the relisting feature, you’ll now see a dropdown field prompting you to choose between copying old listings or creating new ones. Creating new listings is the “hard” relisting option.

How Do I Relist So That My Items Show Up As "Just In" Without Using ClosetWitch?

You can totally do this, it just takes time. Hit the "Create Listing" button in Poshmark and have the old listing queued up in another tab. Copy/paste your info in, fill out the fields, and add your photos again. Publish this new listing first, verify that it looks good, and then go ahead and delete that other listing. You're done!

Any Catches to Hard Reset Relisting?

Yes: you’ll be limited on items per relisting batch and per hour to avoid triggering captcha codes, etc. We’re also purposefully slowing down processing time to human-like speeds to assist with this (called “throttling”) so relisting will be a bit slow. But we think  the hands off aspect will make it well worth it.

How Can We Ever Possibly Thank You?


Why thank you for asking! (No one asked this but let’s pretend!) Please give us feedback on how this new tool is working for you! You can reach us at [email protected] to share any notes or bugs you’re noticing. This is so helpful to us to fine-tune and anticipate issues we’re likely to have with different types of machines, different locations, etc.

We’re also in need of reviews! Help us get the word out about ClosetWitch by dropping some knowledge on prospective new users in the Chrome Store.

That’s all for now—as always, drop us a note any time at [email protected] with questions, comments, feature requests, etc. We’re here and ready to geek out.

Love and magic,


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