Top Tips for Selling on Poshmark in 2022, Part 1: Researching Fast-Selling Brands and Styles

Top Tips for Selling on Poshmark in 2022, Part 1: Researching Fast-Selling Brands and Styles
Fast-selling jeans on Poshmark 2022

Is Selling on Poshmark Still Worth It?

Let's keep it real: reselling is a lot of work, and anybody tells you it's an easy, low effort way to get rich quick is 1. lying, and 2. probably trying to get rich quick off of you! (#sorrynotsorry).

That said, it is still a viable way to make a decent return, particularly if you have good systems in place, a business strategy, access to saleable goods, and don't mind evolving with the market.

Let's dive in to selling effectively on Poshmark in the current reselling environment.

Know Your Top Selling Items on Poshmark in 2022... Not 2012

One of the hardest lessons to learn when reselling, especially if you love clothes yourself, is that your idea of what's adorable or desirable does not always match that of your customers.

Let's repeat that.

Your idea of cute or desirable often has nothing to do with that of your customers.

One of the best things you can do when you start reselling is 1. research what's happening in fashion right now, and 2. let go of personal taste when it comes to sourcing.

This is painful for us millennials who saw all this Y2K nonsense the first time around and wouldn't touch low rise jeans with a 10 foot pole now, but train your eye to recognize trends and desirable cuts, brands, colors, and silhouettes.

How to Find Top Selling Brands on Poshmark for 2022

Especially with fashion houses like Revolve that carry an endless list of brands, it can be hard to keep up with what's hot now name-wise, let alone which pieces are the good performers from those brands.

There are two ways to build your knowledge of what's selling for good money and fast on Poshmark, and we recommend both:

  1. Comp what you're finding in the thrift store or Nordstrom Rack, and
  2. Research what's trending in your spare time.

We'll dive into this a little deeper in another post, but generally, if you see something you suspect is a winner at your local thrift store, look up how much it's historically sold for on Poshmark.

How to Comp Items for Selling on Poshmark

  1. Open the App.
  2. Search for your item with a few keywords (brand, type of item, a few descriptors)
  1. Reset the "My Sizes" Filter to "All Sizes"
  1. Reset the "All Available" Filter to "Sold"
  1. Consider resetting sorting to something like Relevance, or Just In--this will show you what's sold the fastest or is closest to what you have, if you're having a tough time pin pointing it.
  1. Compare what this item generally sells for vs. the amount you'll have to buy it for, and consider Poshmark's fees (20%) plus any shipping discounts you may need to offer (assume $3-8 for this).

How to Research What's Selling on Poshmark in 2022

We won't go too deep on this, but try to educate yourself regularly as to what other resellers are having success with, and what you're seeing yourself on the marketplace.

1. Watch Reseller YouTube

What sold videos can be a fun way to multitask while you tackle hands on tasks, and take a peek at what other resellers are finding success with, brand and piece-wise.

2. Study BOLO Lists

BOLO=Be on the Look Out. But make sure the lists you're using are up to date! A lot can change in a year. Mogibeth and Thrift a Life have good ones for women's and men's clothing respectively.

3. Do Your Own Research

Try this little procedure monthly and note what you find:

-Open Poshmark and click on "Women" and "All"

-Sort by "Just In" on the top right hand side of results

-Filter Availability by "Sold Items" to the lower left side of results

-Filter Price by "$50-100" to the lower left side of results

You're now seeing the fastest selling items that sold for a great amount. Try playing around with different categories to get a feel for the jeans, sweaters, dresses, tops and shoes brands that are great performers. This info will change daily so check back in frequently to stay up to date. And note any trends you're seeing--are pricey, fast selling jeans all of a similar rise or cut? Are Barbie-pink dresses apparently having a moment? How are polo neck sweaters doing? This will help you immensely as you source.

Stay Current With Fashion News

As resellers, it's a little too easy to go months without setting foot in an actual store. Scroll Revolve or ShopBop, visit an actual mall and look in the store windows, get a subscription to Vogue...whatever it is you want to do, don't go too long without seeing what people are shopping for right now.

Do you have any tips for staying up on trends, brands, and fast sellers for Poshmark? Share below!

-Cathy @ ClosetWitch

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